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Contact Info

Ascendix Corporate Office
12222 Merit Drive Suite 1550
Dallas, Texas 75251

What Solutions We Deliver

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AI Document Processing Tools
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Real Estate Portals
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AI Search & Mapping Tools
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Property Management Platforms
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AI Document Generation Software
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AI Property Valuation
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Cloud Solutions
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CRM Technology
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Big Data

How We Can Help You

Automate Your Business

Tired of wasting your time on handling disarranged workflows and disparate data sets? Automate your business processes with custom software, productivity tools, and a centralized CRM system built for experts by experts.

Build Disruptive Software

As seasoned product authors ourselves, we know all the ins and outs of presenting the world with disruptive software and are more than happy to guide you through your design, development, and go-to-market decisions, too.

Assess Your Current Software

No matter what kind of software you have or aiming to launch, we'll run an audit of your code or undertake the whole development process to deliver bespoke real estate software solutions that will expand your business turnover.

Migrate Your Systems to the Cloud

Unleash the full power of your on-premises systems by transitioning your applications, databases, and other business elements from the local server to the cloud with no system downtimes and total peace of mind.

Integrate Your System Through Custom API

Bridge the gaps between your existing software solutions and third-party tools by leveraging tailor-made API integrations, from simple development of email box APIs to highly complex and customized API connections.

Refactor Your Legacy Systems

Upgrade your software solutions for easier bug finding and fixing, adding new functionality, and integrating your systems with third-party tools. After refactoring, we'll keep your platforms up and running with ongoing support and user training.

Develop AI-Powered Software

Leverage our expertise to create AI-powered software tailored to your business needs. Enhance efficiency, automate processes, and get valuable insights with AI. Maximize your business's AI potential with Ascendix.

Estimate Your AI Readiness

discover if you are ready for AI integration with our AI assessment audit. We analyze your current systems, identify potential improvements, and recommend the best AI implementation strategies. We'll ensure you are well-prepared to adopt AI.

Integrate AI into Your Existing Solutions

Seamlessly integrate AI into your existing software and ensure smooth implementation, minimal disruption, and optimal performance, all driven by AI. Our team will help you fully leverage AI capabilities within your environment.

Automate Your Business

Tired of wasting your time on handling disarranged workflows and disparate data sets? Automate your business processes with custom software, productivity tools, and a centralized CRM system built for experts by experts.

Build Disruptive Software

As seasoned product authors ourselves, we know all the ins and outs of presenting the world with disruptive software and are more than happy to guide you through your design, development, and go-to-market decisions, too.

Assess Your Current Software

No matter what kind of software you have or aiming to launch, we'll run an audit of your code or undertake the whole development process to deliver bespoke real estate software solutions that will expand your business turnover.

Migrate Your Systems to the Cloud

Unleash the full power of your on-premises systems by transitioning your applications, databases, and other business elements from the local server to the cloud with no system downtimes and total peace of mind.

Integrate Your System Through Custom API

Bridge the gaps between your existing software solutions and third-party tools by leveraging tailor-made API integrations, from simple development of email box APIs to highly complex and customized API connections.

Refactor Your Legacy Systems

Upgrade your software solutions for easier bug finding and fixing, adding new functionality, and integrating your systems with third-party tools. After refactoring, we'll keep your platforms up and running with ongoing support and user training.

Develop AI-Powered Software

Leverage our expertise to create AI-powered software tailored to your business needs. Enhance efficiency, automate processes, and get valuable insights with AI. Maximize your business's AI potential with Ascendix.

Estimate Your AI Readiness

discover if you are ready for AI integration with our AI assessment audit. We analyze your current systems, identify potential improvements, and recommend the best AI implementation strategies. We'll ensure you are well-prepared to adopt AI.

Integrate AI into Your Existing Solutions

Seamlessly integrate AI into your existing software and ensure smooth implementation, minimal disruption, and optimal performance, all driven by AI. Our team will help you fully leverage AI capabilities within your environment.

We wanted to make better use of our data and present it in a format that our professionals and clients would find attractive and easy to access. This required a new digital solution, hence the engagement with Ascendix on this latest project. The idea of presenting data in an easily accessible and pleasing way to the consumer was not new. We just wanted to have our ability to execute it within our space, with our own data, for our professionals and clients.

Saimir Qalliu, Chief Financial Officer and Managing Director at Colliers International